Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

March 7, 2003


on quite a different note, want to briefly address the merits of good kissing. had an amazing kiss on tuesday night which inspired me to discuss with my girlfriends the many merits of a good kisser. turns out most women have only had a few consistently good kissers in their lifetimes of boyfriends, which makes the merits of the good kisser stand out that much more.

and what constitutes a good kiss? for me, it's slow, slow, slow. the more langorous and lingering the better. like your kisser is kissing you from inside out.

i am going to continue to research what makes a good kiss and will post results here. i am thinking perhaps good kissing is also an appropriate antidote to the current chaos in the world. what if we all just made out? bush and saddam, condi and chirac, KIM Chong-il and ashcroft. remember: slow, long & lingering!