Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

August 25, 2003

scene: tracey knapp and i are driving in a rented mitsubishi lancer on comm ave towards somerville. i am obessively alternating between fruits of my labor and butterfly.

me: when are mason and lucinda getting hitched?
tracey: i don't know
me: you and i will be the bridesmaids and we'll plan the whole wedding
tracey: yeah
me: all they have to do is show up
tracey: i think mason's already engaged to someone
me:hm. it'll be perfect. and we can be like, lucinda's, friends!
tracey: yeah!
me: and wear really cute bridesmaid outfits
tracey: except then lucinda won't sing such good fucked up heartbreak songs because mason is so cute and nice and sweet
me: yeah, maybe not a good idea
tracey: yeah