Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

November 28, 2003


it's true. i've been terribly neglectful not updating regularly with snazzy fun tidbits and observations about shoes. or tidbits really about anything. but my kiddies i can only offer that i had been looking for a new apartment in manhattan. as you may know, this can be an experience akin to a full-time job, complete with high stress moments, trips to the copier and coffee breaks. fortunately for me, my broker boris made things a bit easier for me and landed me a sweet new pad on . . . gasp! the WEST side. yes it's true my dream of moving to the west side has now manifested. and on my very favorite street in all of manhattan--10th street. i can hardly ask for more. so if i am sporadic in my musings please bear with me, as i am in the process of moving.

to add on to that exciting development, i am officially on deadline for my first installment of my first book! currently titled, The Perfect Fit to be published by Chronicle Books in Spring 2005, a little handbook all about how to tell a woman by her shoe. Complete with little self-tests to help you hone in on your particular shoe pathos. oh wow. it's going to be so fun!

so you see my sweeties, miss meg is a little bit busy. but that does not mean i don't have time to just dodge into calvin klein for a quick moment last saturday and get the steal of the century. two, count them two, pairs of perfectly sleek 2 1/2 inch heels in brown and black, for under $250! for those of you who live outside of manhattan where things cost normal prices, this is a steal. for those of you in manhattan, can you belieeeeeve? i mean really. bob, the shoe guy there, was hands down one of my favorite salespeople ive met in the city. gentle, fashion forward and budget conscious all wrapped up in a booming baritone. love him.