Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

November 21, 2006


Well, i did it. i actually got onto a trapeze and swung. and screamed. and fell. all for my segment on "what's hot in nyc" on gmtv, the UK's version of good morning america. LK Today (which is the part of the show i'm on) is a fab hour of telly as they say, chock full of fun fashion and life tidbits and advice. we also covered the people who make a bacon martini at the east village bar, double down, now i am a bacon lover and even i grew squeamish. the floating bacon in the vodka bottle looked like someone's bits that had been distilling for years. and while helen our producer liked the taste, i found it a bit too savory, shall we say. of course we jetted over to holly's store on perry to talk about the jumper craze and how her amazing bright kelly green, navy and rose jumpers are FLYING out of the store. we also hit Verve where we checked out the blue chie mihara ankle boot that is so soft and fits sooo perfectly. i may have to go back and buy a pair. right now i can barely lift my arms above my head--apparently trapezing uses muscles i did not know i had!