Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

July 28, 2003

cool news gave a shout out to vernors, today. my most favoritest drink in the world. only available in detroit which is also birthplace of house music, madonna, motown, ford, and well, me. i think vernors should have an express to new york delivery program for those of us who jones the stuff. i mean mattie and i can only carry back so many 12-packs on the plane without hitting baggage limitations! you used to be able to find it at dean and deluca and sometimes motor city bar but, alas i have not found myself at motor city at quite some time since it requires drinking large amounts of alcohol and staying up until 3:30 am to even enter that place, and i'm afraid my youthful partying days are behind me. but anyway, back to the vernors campaign. perhaps i will pen a letter and make a request. perhaps they will ship it to me in large vintage wooden boxes and perhaps i will quit writing and instead sit out on strategic street corners with a vernors stand. depending on my price break, i'll hawk them 3 for a dollar. or perhaps 1 for a dollar. that seems more reasonable. look for me, i'll be on the corner of st marks and second " get your ice cold vernors here!" but only michiganders will know of what i speak. sigh.