Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

July 10, 2003

it's happening again. i am falling in love with new york city. it happened last fall for about four months, the swooning, the giddiness, the pure joy. and it happened again this week. starting with my run on sunday and then cemented yesterday while walking to the 6 train at about 6:30 pm with my friend sarah lukashok. there were about five or so complete dramas enacting themselves out right before our very eyes in a five block jaunt, including two indian businessmen on a corner with their fingers in each other's faces, one shouting "who do you think you are?!" and a near miss of a mercedes zooming out of a parking lot and quite possibly running sarah and i down. we repsonded in polite new york fashion gesturing withour hands and yelling" this is the SIDEWALK!". two otherwise polite and well-turned out middle class ladies, turned temprarily into snarling cab drivers. only for a quick moment tho. i am just reveling in new york's every moment of live theater and falling in love again. . .