Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

April 17, 2005


what a weekend. in case you missed it, my VH1 appearance runs a few more times this weekend, tonight at midnight. apparently i speak eloquently about princess leia's hairdo.

friday i shot spring trends for RNN at a fabulous store in forest hills of all places. the adventure of taking the subway yielded a man throwing up next to me and getting lost in the transfer from the F to the 1,9 but other than the epic journey to and fro and those little details, when i emerged out of the subway station in queens who knew that i would stumble upon a stylists' best kept secret, austin jeans. ashanti stocks up monthly here, as well as stylists and fashionistas from all over the land who make their way to this legendary store because this store has not only a jeans GALLERY where all jeans are arranged alphabetically and by rinse, but they also can fit ANY body type in under ten minutes with the perfect pair of jeans.

i decided to put them to the ultimate test: my long torso, big booty and long long legs. i am a woman who cannot find a pair of jeans to save her life and cling desparately to my one lasting pair of gwyenth blue cults with the attitude of a drowning man with a scrap of life vest.

sure enough in under ten minutes fabulous irene had sized me up and had me in a pair of dark rinse AG's and joes. i was so ecstatic i took both. miracle. thats all i can say. affirmations DO work.

then lunched with sal who is pitching a fabulous new book that i can't yet tell you about. oh but i will when the time comes.

ps. did i mention jackie mason on thursday night was hilarious? was like listening to sarah l. talk for an hour and a half. AND i don't know if i mentioned the surreal convergence of irwin corey, lora's gorgeous grandmother, ba, a very loud jackie mason DVD peddler, lora and i right before the show.

went something like this:

GET YOUR JACKIE MASON DVD HERE!! yelled the peddler.
irwin corey: (91 year old vaudevillian) to me: there's so MUCH of you, you just go on and on. (note: irwin is about 5 ft tall).

ba:(perfectly manicured and glamourous) I know you. you lived on my street in great neck.


irwin: So MUCH of you. then to ba at the top of his lungs: my daughter was MURDERED by her husband!


me: can we go sit down now?

ba: as we walk slowly away: he was VERy famous in the '60's, Very.