Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

July 23, 2004


what i learned at jazz night in fort greene: that shanna named the old navy techno pant and sean was party guy#3 in dazed and confused.  pls note the shoe incident that happened to sean while shooting: he was asked to remove his custom eagle embroidered cowboy boots and replace them with 1970's keds because he was towering over the other actors.  a prime example of the influence shoes have on most everything, including feature films. i also learned that the 16 layer fudge cake in martha stewart living cookbook may be an excellent recipe choice for me when i am having an obsessional moment, that the greene grape has lots of good roses for summer, and that sitting out on the stoop in the neighborhood with your honey and other fun people is infinitely one of the most lovely summer evenings you can think of.