Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

June 10, 2004


my fabulous 10-inch brimmed straw la dolce vita sunhat cannot be made in time for nantucket film festival. i just don't understand it. the national holiday thingie. not my hat. my hat i understand. my hat represents all that is good about lounging on the beach. it will represent style, chic-ness, and early '60's gamine coquettishness. lots of winking from under the hat. another fruity drink please. (my finger will wave very subtly and coyly and another one will appear at my cabana.)

oh yes! did i tell you i was going to nantucket for the film festival? am SO excited. giving a talk at a fabulous boutique up there called BLU and will be documenting all the stars shoe choices as well. and now that i know how to post pictures. well. it could be a very wild blog you are looking at week after next!