Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

April 7, 2004


last night at waldos party was perfect. we started out with champers at mine around 9, jason, roger, lora, tracy and me. conversation grew more and more bubbly with more and more bubbly. the merits of the extended remix of madonna's burning up from 1982 (jelly bean benitez remix) were discssed as well as whether my apartment decoratiing style is "too feminine". hellO? i am a woman.

anyhoo, we headed up to meatpacking which is basically where it's at these days i ams lowly starting to understand. people talk to one anothe rin the streets, there is a hustle and bustle i haven't experienced in a while. downstairs at APT all the gang shimmied to waldo's fabulous tunes including a little smells like teen spirit remixe as well as push it. lora treated us to a wonderful performance of her high school cheerleading routine which involved lots of butt-shaking. as she says, she grew up in miami.

jason just about did me in with his signature dance moves. as roger says, he's been doing the same ones for 12 years, but they never ever fail to slay me. if i had an audioblog i would imitate my squeals of laughter as he went into full full form. which includes slapping the floor and coming back up with an extra fierce look on the face. for my part i let loose like i haven't since my trade days. of course, without certain substances this made my letting loose a bit shorter than days of yore, but still i danced like a wild child for a few minutes and enjoyed every moment. all the gang was there: theo, hsin-ya, derrick, tracy murphy--looking extra glamourous, kyle the lawyer, marcus, kim who is the sweetie of a manager there always plying me with a gimlet on the house, miss honey dijon. waldo's posse are some of the sweetest and nicest fashion people in nyc i'd say.