Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

April 20, 2004


not only did we have an amazing reading, we also provided a sauna detox for our audience. yes it was so steamy many member of our fine audience (including the bibbins, ted mathys, nick flynn, robyn schiff & others) got a complimentary detox because it was SO HOT in there. sweat lodge meets poetry.

anyhoo, the folks from the canary really delivered. cate marvin, michael dumanis, cathy park hong, noelle kocot (who read my fave poem of hers beginner's mind and purple plants which has been up on my desk for inspiration for about two years now) sam witt, and kevin larimer.

on the break, mary and i decided to peruse the latest issue of JANE magazine. while you may think that articles like "pick the sexy jeans they want on your floor tonight" or "john mayer describes how he fakes it" might seem kind of funny to read at a literary event but i guess not since DAVID BERMAN poet and author of actual air had his fiction featured in this issue. feeling very literary indeed, mary and i sat back to enjoy the rest of the mag and what we could get for under $150, $100 and even $75. answers in that order: d&g underwear set, bebe blue dress, ben sherman skirt. so while we were perusing, i found out i have two FANS. i was so excited. i love fans. they are nick twemlow and robyn schiff. and nick gave me a gift (& we know i love gifts as much as fans!) which is robyns fabulous poetry book all about fashion. i mean obviously it is deeper than fashion. but now that i say that i realize fashion can be very very deep. i mean hey i wrote a book about how to tell someone's entire life by their shoes. anyhooooooo, they are very cool and so is robyns book, which is called worth. i mean did you every know anyone who could put chanel no 5 and the rosenbergs in the same breadth of verse?