Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

August 11, 2005


yesterday at the doublesecret jimmy choo sample sale the lines of women at the shoreham waiting for the doors to open were scary. i backed away slowly. there were many of them with a hungry look in their eye, sweating in the midtown sun, clutching their invites. move away from the stiletto starved woman my friend. move away slowly.

also, if you live in new york and you are like me working all the time, you know it is very hard to get yourself yummy healthy delicous organic foods for lunchie. now that has all changed with the advent of new york fork and suyai's superfantastic (to borrow a line from the manolo) cooking. she gets up and cooks it that MORNING so you dont have to! and delivers it right to you! hello delicious slow roasted fennel. hello grilled organic chicken with special herbs she can't tell you what they are but they taste so delicious. hello organic orange slices drizzled in cinnamon and wild honey and sliced almonds!

also, you may want to check out the new CD from robyn the swedish pop singer i was obsessed with when i was 23. i hear its maJOR!