Miss Meghan, Fashion Advice

August 9, 2005


" Miss Meghan, I am seeking your advice on one of your most famed and loved topics--shoes. I was wondering how seasonal my favorite, fun, flowery shoes are and when I would be wearing them past their seasonal glory?

They are a pair of slingback, Enzo Angiolini, with a flowery print in shades of pink and cream on a black cloth material. There is also a black patent leather trim around the edge and the same patent leather is used for the sling back and there is a little black patent leather bow on the front.

My question to you and the debate around the office is, when must I stop wearing them? Can I wear them past Labor Day? There is a cream color on the shoe, but they are close-toed. I could see wearing them through Sept. maybe, but never into Oct. How and when do you know when shoes are out of season when they are close-toed?Thank you for your help in this matter. It is a reoccurring topic of discussion around the office every few weeks when I wear them. I would not want to be the fashion faux-pas around the office."

--Christina, Washington, DC

Well Christina, first of all I am so happy to hear that someone in DC is wearing what sounds like an extremely fun pair of shoes! You are quite cutting edge and I applaud you for stepping out and taking DC fashion up a notch.

As to the question of when. Since they are a closed toe slingback I would say these shoes are very appropriate weel into the Fall through October. Even with a jewel tone solid color tight that picks up one of the colors in the print would also be cute. Because they have a cream background does not neccessarily mean hey must be retired after Labor Day. I would say save pure white summery style shoes for that category (although there are some who like to wear a white patent leather pump with a black tight in the Fall too which could be a cute graphic look). Mostly if you are comfortable and confident in what you are wearing you will emit that it is the perfect look for that day so I say to you, wear them with panache and you come across as the belle of the ball!